South East London Children Photos | Nela

South East London Children Photos

I believe I don’t need to introduce Nela again. She has already been featured multiple times on this blog. My most photographed little model. Enjoy some more of her portraits taken in beautiful settings of the poppy field.

South East London Children Photos | 5 year old girl running through a poppy field and holding a bunch of poppy flowers

South East London Children Photos | portrait of a 5 year old girl hiding behind a bunch of poppy flowers

5 year old girl photographed in a poppy field | London

5 year old girl smelling a poppy field flower | London

5 year old girl holding a bunch of poppy flowers in the middle of a poppy field | London

South East London Children Photos | 5 year old girl with poppy flower in her mouth

portrait of a 5 year old girl standing in a poppy field | London

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